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October 15.2022
4 Minutes Read

How To Make Videos To Market Your Medical Practice

How To Make Videos To Market Your Medical Practice

Videos are one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. Right now, someone is watching your business on YouTube. Depending on the type of medical practice you own, there may not be another person in this world that knows as much about what’s happening in your office as you do. In other words, if you want to get more patients to come see you and trust you enough to share their health problems with you, videos are a great way to start building trust and credibility with future patients. But first you have to know how to make them so they’re effective for getting people interested in seeing who is behind that practice door when they need it.

Video for Showcasing Expertise

You’ll want to start each video with a few minutes of your explaining how your medical practice is different from other practices and how you’re the best fit for this particular patient.

You can go into detail about the types of health problems you treat, the types of medicines you’re allowed to use, the diagnosis and treatment process, or any other unique aspects of your practice that set you apart from other practices. Next, you want to show off the expertise you have in each area of your practice to build trust with your viewers.

Get Personal With Your Patients

You can start to show patients you’re a human when you get personal with them. There are several ways to do this, such as by sharing a letter you received from a former patient, or even sharing a touching story about a patient’s life, their health issue, or the impact your practice had on their life.

You can also use your videos to connect with patients on an emotional level. There are many ways to do this, including by sharing the types of emotions you feel while listening to the stories of your patients, or how you relate to what they’re going through.

You can also use your video to explain how you understand the emotions that your patients are experiencing.

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Honest

You may be afraid to be honest in your videos for fear of coming across as arrogant or abrasive. While you do want to be professional in your videos and not come across as arrogant, you also don’t want to gloss over things and pretend that everything is perfect at your practice.

Be honest about the struggles that you and your staff face each day, and be honest about examples of when you fell short of your own expectations.

Ideas For Video Content

Before and After Video

If you want to show off some of the impressive before and after results your practice has seen, make a Before and After video. You can use this to discuss how your patients feel when they first walk through your door, and then show them the amazing results they achieve once they’re under your care. You can also use this video to explain your payment model and how you’re able to offer this level of success to your patients.

Call to Action Video

If you want to get more people to your website or sign up for your mailing list, the call to action video is a great way to do it.

Your call to action should be short, sweet, and to the point. You don’t want someone to watch your videos for hours or days on end, and then come away with nothing in terms of a call to action. Your call to action should be something like, “Click here to learn more about our medical practice,” or “Join our mailing list to be notified when we start offering new videos.”

Testimonial Videos from Patients

One of your video's most powerful weapons can be patient testimonials. Patients are ready to learn from one another's experiences. While a favorable review is wonderful, remind patients to concentrate on how your practice contributed to their pleasant experience. Building trust and conveying the idea that your practice is a crucial component of receiving top-notch care will come from demonstrating to prospective clients what makes your clinic special.


Videos are a great way to reach your current patients, and a great way to get the word out to new ones about your medical practice. With the right video, you can build trust and make your practice seem much more exciting and up to date than other practices.

Keep in mind that although videos can be powerful tools when it comes to marketing, you still have to have patients coming through your door. You have to be available for patients, and you have to be able to deliver on that availability. You don’t have to rely on just the internet for marketing your practice.

Keep your videos interesting, keep your marketing consistent, and always be ready for a new patient to walk through your door.

You’ll be amazed at how effective video marketing can be for getting more patients to see you, and how much time it will save you compared to the amount of time you’d spend on other forms of marketing.

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