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A Simple Thank You Can Mean More Business

When that business is expanding, too often business owners ignore the key to that success and expansion - the client. When you do this, it means that your business will lose touch with your clients and by not engaging with them anymore, your messaging can become inauthentic. You need to keep in mind that one-off clients do not amount to beneficial clientele. Seasoned business men have come to realize that current clients are easier and cheaper to keep than a new client is to get. 

Engage with your current clients

You can keep current clients happy by making sure you keep in touch. Set aside time a day or two every month just for this purpose. If you are the business owner, it's a good idea to spend that time reaching out to many of your current clients by leveraging the power of social media or your blog - answer their questions in a Facebook live, post some personalized instagram content, or even write a blog post like this one!

Say thank you...

You need to remember that offering gratitude to your customers is very important. But, this is one area most businesses have not done that well. There are many instances where a basic thank you will go a long way in your relationship. 

...For a visit

Start by saying 'thank you' after they have visited your business. It can be as simple as asking the receptionist to thank them for their visit or even a thank you email after their visit. That simple bit of appreciation can mean a lot to clients. 

...For feedback

You should also be thanking them when they give you feedback - good or bad. You may not be used to thanking people for complaining, but you should - your client has given you an insight you need to improve your business.  

...For referrals

You also need to thank them for referrals. Thanking them for a referral encourages them to refer even more clients to you as they know you are aware of the referral and appreciate it. Thanking clients for referrals is a virtuous cycle where you get more clients and they get to feel good.  It's a win-win!

 ...For being loyal clients

You should also take time to thank your old and loyal clients. Many businesses are focused on attracting new clients - offering deals and discounts that are just for them, which makes their loyal clients feel unappreciated and likely to move on.  Don't do that.  Show your appreciation for your loyal clients too and keep them around. 

A little bit of appreciation goes a long way when it comes to retaining clients. If you need help growing your business, you can schedule a free consultation by clicking the button below.

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