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February 23.2022
1 Minute Read

How to Ensure Your Website  Converts Visitors

A website isn't meant to be a vanity metric. It's not there just for you to point to and be proud that you have one. A good website provides value by engaging and converting visitors. A good website is findable, easily to navigate, and pleasing to the eye. Oh, and it converts lots of visitors into clients.

Here are 10 things you need for a high-converting website.

1. Use valid code

Both search engines and users hate websites which can not be read properly or easily navigated. Worst of all, using bad code can break your website, making visitors think your business is unprofessional or worse - closed!

2. Do some research

Discover the topics your audience and potential clients care about and the keywords that they'll use to find the information they want on those topics. Start with 12-15 of these keywords.

3. Have great content

Make sure your website has only helpful and structured material which is related to the keywords and topics from your research.

4. Optimize your website 

Do this by ensuring you're using those keywords when writing about those topics. This will make it easier for Google to parse that your content is relevant to those topics and your potential client's queries.

5. Do not keyword stuff

Do not write your content in a way that maximizes keywords to the point of incoherency. Google will be able to tell you've done that and will penalize your site.  Even worse, visitors will get frustrated by the content and leave your site.

6. Use images and short videos when appropriate 

We are visual creatures and tend to engage more with images and video than with solid, long blocks of text. (Look at our website and blogs to see how much easier video and images make things.)

7. Make it visually appealing

Try to develop an unique and appealing style. Premium images will help your website stand out. You can buy them from dozens of stock photo websites.

If you don't have a big budget, check the free stock photo websites but never, ever use images without the right license. Doing so will open you up to potential lawsuits.  

8. Start a blog

Providing your site visitors with new insights and information on a consistent basis positions you as an expert and provides value. Both of these will help your website convert visitors.

9. Ask your website visitor to convert! 

Have relevant calls to action throughout your site, offering your services to help with the issue they are reading about.

10. Show off your five star reviews! 

People can be understandably nervous about the quality of services provided by any new company. Address these concerns by streaming your newest reviews from Google and Yelp directly to your website.

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